Instil healthy lifestyle values in your children

A recent study by researchers at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden found that being fit during one's youth could lead to a decrease in the risk of suicide later in life.

Physical activities at a young age

  According to the report, "researchers at the Academy of Sahlgrenska University in Gothenburg have studied 1,136,527 Swedish men and concluded that there is a link between the exercise performed by a young person and the reduced risk of suicidal behaviour later in life. Unfortunately, access to youth fitness programs and activities in schools has become increasingly limited. When budget cuts occur, there’s no surprise that recreational activities may be the first to be removed. This is where fitness clubs can seize the opportunity to fill the gaps for the youth around the world.

The fight against unhealthy lifestyles

  Today in the United States and in Europe, the specific training of children and teenagers has become inevitable to fight against the sedentary lifestyle and overweight that is ravaging our kids... All these young generations must be educated to take care of their bodies as well as their minds. It's a big challenge for fitness clubs around the world. Children must adopt a healthy lifestyle starting at an early age to develop good habits that they can keep their whole lives. Physical activity is beneficial for all ages and helps children cope with physical and mental health issues.

How can I encourage my children to be active?

  It is mostly down to you whether your children will learn what a healthy and active lifestyle is. Encourage them to join the family in regular physical activities and to eat healthy with you. It's easier when these habits are part of the whole family routine. All you have to do is choose activities that are suitable to your child's age and stage of development and give him/her plenty of time to participate in structured activities such as organized sports and unstructured activities like playing in the park. Try to plan fun exercises with your kids and make the most of your time together! On the other hand, teens aspire to autonomy and will want to do things alone, why not encourage them to go for a walk or ride a bike with their friends from time to time?

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